Sunday, May 31, 2015


    The hand of the child on the piano
I love my nephew Fodie so much.
He can take me or leave me.
I mostly bug him lately. Yesterday was a rare treat
We played a little all day! It was an exciting moment
when his daddy fired up the new yard sale keyboard.
Little brother Lincoln crawled right up to the key board and
pressed his tiny fat baby hands on the keyboard.
Fodie not to be outdone pressed his hands down hard also.
I asked Fodie nicely to take his hands off!
Fodie looked and me perplexed and said
 "Auntie I can't take my hands off!"
Looking at his hands and looking at me!!
He had never and will never remove his hands from his wrists
and honestly wonders why I think he could or would!!
Love that Fodie!!

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