Remember her?

Look at her now...after her "
extreme makeover"!

I channeled a little
Junk Market Diva and used some odds and ends that hand been
hang'n around for FAR to long!! I love how she turned out. There are a few
tweeks that need to be finished...and I do need to paint the shelves. THE SHELVES ARE KILLING hard to paint!! Also the little door handle needs to be attached correctly...I can't find a screw that is the right length...but other then that she is PERFECT!!! Now to find her a home!!
Congrats on another fine project!!!!!
very cute, love the hardware
I love the use of "junk" to make that cabinet look unique and fun. Nice job!
What a sweeeeet redo! Love me some tattered junk for character added to anything. The double door plates are a cool unique feature. Thanks for additional ideas for the card file inside my head. :)
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