Saturday, October 26, 2013

Handsome Little Devil!

*I hate the scary parts of Halloween. Harmony replied after
that statement "Don't be afraid of a little skellie we all have them!"
*It has been unseasonably warm and I have loved it!
*I can't bake well!
I love time Theodore! His costume was to hot so on a whim
he was a tiny devil!! So cute!!
*I told Theodore I loved him and he told me he loved me!!
*I am going to a party tonight...and I don't have anything to do w/ it. I
only have to attend!! Love!!
*I wore flip flops today and yesterday!
*People have lost the skill of introduction!!
*I have done the pumpkin walk...and I am done now!
*Note to self: Never go to Walamrt on a Friday Night!
*A quote from a woman at the group home:
 "Did you know Mexico was not in the United States?"
Me: Yep
Her: Uoh!
*Tiny nephew Eli giggles. So sweet! He can now was too!
*A good nights sleep is a blessing!!
*Love running into long lost friends!!
Happy Halloween!!

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