Sunday, October 6, 2013


*My tiny nephew says "Bubbles" and it melts my ever love'n heart!
*My friend has a top notch porch! People stop by and take pictures!
She thinks them weird...I told her I am one of those people!!
If people loved my porch that much, I'd put on a cute outfit and
sit on my porch all the live long day, waiting for my picture to be taken.
*I met a little man this weekend (3) he is deaf from birth.
We signed to each other and I used all the signs my tiny nephew (1.5)
taught me. We both were delighted!
*I meet a little Hispanic lady in the store this weekend. She couldn't have been
more then 3. She explained to be about her darling backpack a million
miles a minute in another language. I replied in my own tongue telling her how
cute it was and such a super buy. We both went on our way knowing exactly what the other
was saying and rather please w/ ourselves!  
*It is frustrating when things brake. No one wants something to brake on their time
alas they do. I always try to remember things can be replaced and "People
 are always more important than things!!" Always!
*I have such a hard time sitting still and listening to General Conference! Sadly!
*Anything drunk through a straw tastes better!
Happy Fall!!

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