Saturday, April 7, 2012

Yesterday, today and tomorrow!

Yesterday was an awful day! I am glad awful doesn't last forever!

*One of my besties got married! Couldn't be more happy for her!
*I hate wedding receptions!
*Sometimes my job is very very hard.
*Snow in April is always shocking!
*It is impossible to walk by tiny newborn flip flops and not buy them!
*It is my brother in laws birthday!!
*Sometimes I I being fashionable or down right weird!
*Last night at the reception I was assured but a cute girl she knew me...
I told her I was famous would wide..but she was SO excited to see me again.
I don't think we'd ever met!
*I hugged the groom and it was super awkward!
*I could use a serious mani/pedi!! SERIOUSLY!
*I read this series of books as often as I can and I LOVE then more each time!!
*I would like to WIN something! No really!
*I went to the BIG CITY last night and didn't "Thrift" once.
*I love SPRING sunshine!
*I love easter candy!
*If you read my blog leave a REPLY!! No really DO!

Happy Spring!

1 comment:

laurie said...

I read it Heather. I can't be the only one.