Last week I was contacted by a fun company to do a super great review and GIVEAWAY!! I am ALWAYS game for free stuff so I signed up!! The give away is for (click on the green text):
This company has everything ones heart could ever wish for (except true love)! Look at this DARLING mailbox!! (First Mail box left side!! A little metallic number w/ little windows to let your mail take in the view!!) Had I had it in my budget I would have given away this little number but alas I can still come here and look at it while wearing my apron!! Cute huh?? This page makes me giddy w/ glee!! I love that letter K!! So Kute!! How to enter: Leave a post introducing yourself!! Tell us a little about you and what you are ALL about!! (If you DO NOT have a blog you MUST leave a contact e-mail so I can contact you when you win!!) For a SECOND POST blog about this giveaway and why you think it is SOOO WONDERFUL!! (leave the link so I can check on you!!) There you go two chances to win!! Good Luck!!
I am a 45 year old women of 2 boys. I love a good movie, and being with my friends.
I love new things and learning about people.
Very cute apron! I am a youth pastor's wife, mother of two toddlers boys, business owner, artist,and thrfit store junkie. That pretty much sums it up!
I love the aprons and the letters! I am a 26 year old mother of three. I am all about decorating, baking cookies, sewing, and being cheap. I love reading crafty blogs. :)
Saw your post on V and Co, so thought I'd click over. I'm a clickaholic some days...I try to cool that click, but sometimes it gets the best of me...I have to wait till hubby is working days to go at it full and free! Anyhoo, I'm an empty nester now after 30 years; mother to 6; grandmother to 8 and counting! I quilt and craft and cook and read. All the regular stuff. If that apron fits my overly large body, it's mine, but more than likely I will make it part of a shower gift for some lucky woman with an average sized body (I hate her!) LOL. freeindeed at myfairpoint dot net
I am a mother of 3 daughters, a grandmother of 6 and a wife of one. Ha that would be a given. Love to craft about anything that catches my eye, sew, scrapbook, paint, crochet, the list goes on. Trying to make the house we bought 2 years ago into the home we lived in for close to 30 years.
Hi, I am a mom of 4 ranging from preschool to college. I am married to an AirForce Major who is now gone for a long time in Afghanistan. I love to craft, junk. refurbish junk, paint, sew, blog and not so much clean house.
I am loving the blog world as it is my sanity saver while hubby is gone.
I have been married to the love of my life for 24 years...mother of two girls (22 & 19)...I have owned a Antiques business in the past...I do some decorating jobs in beach condos...LOVE to thrift shop and get AWESOME deals!
I'm 47 years old, the mother of two, the step mother of two more that hold my heart in theirs, and the grandmother of two as well. I like to say that "I've got two's covered". My blog is all about remodeling, redecorating our home built in the 30's. I love a good thrift store, antique shop and any DIY project that will save me money.
Love the apron.
I am 32, I work at home doing what I love (I am an independent digital scrapbook graphics designer at Two peas in the pod). I have 3 boys ranging from 6 to 13, and a wonderful husband.
Hi, I am a mother of 3 children under 3, Ty, Irelyn, and Hayes. I am 25 almost 26. I have been married for almost 6 years. I love taking junk and turning it into things that I love! Recently moved to Louisiana from Utah and I love it here.
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