*I am fighting a head cold w/ everything in me!
I don't have said head cold yet...but it keeps knocking! I
am punching it down w/ Airborn,vitamins, green drink and rest!
*I stood in Smith's (grocery store) yesterday and smelled spring.
I looked and looked and then saw the little spring
like flowers waiting in the corner for someone to buy them.
I however got their sent for free!
*Everything is covered in 3 feet of snow.
*I feel like a 3rd grader wearing my boots everywhere, and then slipping on
my tennis shoes when I get to my destination.
*Two days ago I drove slowly home at 10 PM from work.
I saw a large wall of snow in front of my drive way
and I did what any crazy lady would do...I plowed right into it!
I was stuck and stuck good! Some strangers stopped to help me dig out.
(One dressed in shorts and slippers). It took 30 minutes of digging
but little Honda was free!! Still to this minute, my arms and body ache!
*I love the sun!
Happy Spring! (somewhere)