Saturday, November 17, 2012

Thanks and stuff!!

While sitting at work a few days ago..
I decided we needed to be reminded in a big way to be
THANKFUL. Sooo...I cut up some magazines and
stuck them on the wall.

To the cute girl at the store who asurred me the celery was 99 cents
when I knew it was 33 cents.

*Someone thought my name was "Happy" today!
*My feet hurt something crazy!
*Thanksgiving is come'n right up!!
*My sister throws a rock'n party!!
*I am sport'n a rock'n asteroid sized zit!
* An older lady "Woooo Whooo-ed" me today at the store.
*My sister's mother in law hugged me today and nearly knocked me out!
*My wrist and shoulder hurt all the time!
*Boom boxes are hard to find! Who knew!?
*I just finished the best book!!
*I was invited to join a holiday craft fair...sounds interesting!!
Happy Holidays!

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