Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Pins that work!


I am not into Pintrest! Sad I know.
I do love a good hint or tip!
Here are some I have tired and have worked!
-Someone at work burnt something thing to death in the microwave
and left it to stink all weekend (rude). It is fowl.
Lemon in a bowl of water turned on for a minute
or two works wonders! (I should know I have tired everything!
-WD40 and a magic eraser and backing soda on
super duper cloudy head lights... makes them good as new!
-Clean you oven door grossness w/ cooking spray and a rag.
I warmed the oven a bit to make it glide off!!
What have you tried and know works?

Wednesday, October 15, 2014


industrial lighting, steampunk, Edison Bulb

Every time I go get my oil changed they suggest
I get my headlights de fogged.

 This last time I nodded and asked how much it cost

36.00 the kid replied. I coughed and said 36 bucks is a lot of money
to me.  The kid looked at me like I was from another planet.
That night I saw a at home solution. I tried the tooth paste
idea w/ no result in the past.

This time I used a magic eraser, baking soda and WD-40.
Worked like a charm and the world is bright and new again!!
You can thank me later!

Sunday, October 12, 2014

Friday, October 3, 2014


Exact Obedience = Miracles