Friday, July 18, 2014

If there is anything LOVELY...

If there is anything virtuous,
 lovely, or of good report or praiseworthy,
 we seek after these things.

The other day this screamed at me. It said "FREE!!!"
really really loud! I brought her home and hummed and
hawed...and today because it was a million degrees
I decided to give her a new white coat.
I wonder who's home she stood in.
What did she see?
Did the thumb tack holes in her hold up Christmas garland?
Or a child's lovely art work?
Who lovingly wood grained her surfaces?
What year was she born?
What sat on her shelves?
Was she made by a man for his true love or
a carpenter working his trade to feeds his family?
I may never know, but I can say
I'm just glad I met her!!
Happy Summer!!
Psssst..Did you know hand sanitizer takes paint and kilz primer right off u hands
even ff clothes if you are lucky!!

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