Friday, March 22, 2013


*Today it rained and SNOWED!
*I love a good thrift shop and estate sale.
*The best conversation I have  is w/ a tiny man
who doesn't talk yet! I love you Theodore!
*I have a head ache!
*I love a good nap!
*It thundered so loud the other day it shook the house!
*Suggesting something and then letting
a person decide is hard but it is necessary!
One can never MAKE another
do anything and still be respected!
*My throat hurts often!
*My favorite friend Eli is getting bigger by the day!
* I like to give unique gifts and always HOPE
 they are received well!!
*I saw some of this tonight and LOVED it!
It's Dowton Abby meets Anne of Green Gables!
Everything is better in British!! Heart!
Happy Spring!!

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