Saturday, February 25, 2012

Today I:

Opted not to go on an adventure.
 Rather I did many a little project
 that has been calling to me.

I made a tiny tag out of a
tiny kit I got at the thrift store Friday.
Used Sculptorey clay and rubber stamps!
Fun and easy!

Made a tiny peg doll..and learned what better to do next time.

Painted a coat of yummy black paint on
a bench that has been calling for it for a long time.

Did a few loads of wash.

Tried to clean the head light haze
w/ toothpaste (I read about it online)
it worked kind of!

Noticed a big scratch on my hood.

Reminded that just because something
thinks they are right doesn't make them right.
Trying to MAKE people do what you
want never EVER works!

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