Market Street or NPS
This store is on the west side of the Salt Lake Valley very near West Valley City. It is kinda hard to find but if I can find it...YOU CAN!! It is the Tijuana of Utah for sure!! I was looking for an awesome adventure though...and it proved fruitful!!

Activia Jello: .99
Two Bags of suger snap peas YUMMY: .69
Tiny Spinach Salad: .99
Vitamin Drink .50
Organic Tooth Paste .50
Necklace/Earrings 2.79
Basil Seeds .10
Bracelet: .25 (Hello people a QUARTER!!!)
I couldn't by lots of REAL food because I was on an adventure...and I didn't want it to sit in the hot car for hours...but next time....WOAH!!!
**I saw this on on NPS.
**** Up date*** I just heard Market Square TAKES COUPONS!!! So really because there food is SO CHEAP you can get things FOOOOORRR FREEEEEEE!!! I for one love FREEEE!!!
WHOA, is right! Is that like a 10 pound bag of Peachies?? I think that would cure anyone of a Peachie*Munchie attack! LOL Have a great Sunday *elaine*
Peaches are mana from God!!! Yummy huh? We put them back though...sigh! Life as a weight watching woman!!
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