2. Daisyd's Scrapbook tags! 1.00 (for 10 packages of 4) (The tags will be included in the 200th post giveaway!! Be excited be VERY excited!!
3. A sweet metal water bottle that I have been eye'n at Old Navy till they ran out! 50.
4. A packet of white envelopes and note cards. 1.00
5. A pair of over prices Capri's (but I loved the color) 4.00
6. Two packages of pantie liners .50 (New and unused..and cheap..so what the heck?)
7. A magazine .50 (my local thrift store has magazines for .10 I hate paying more then .10 for a magazine. How much does you store charge.)
1 comment:
Can't wait to see what you do with these. I would love to get some old primitive tags for items I will make in the prim family.
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