Wednesday, August 3, 2011
Just Breath....
I often want to just rush EVERYTHING...hurry hurry hurry! Make it quick. Can't wait for summer, can't wait for winter. It will be better tomorrow. Can't wait till Friday! I'll do it later.
I love this quote by Flower Patch Farm Girl:
"I'll still walk out of the cool just to feel the warm sidewalk underfoot. And my February self will make my August self promise to notice - to really feel the heat. It feels so dang good."
Go check out her blog!! She just posted an amazing link about holding on to the last drop of summer. It made me think deep thoughts!
It makes me remember to enjoy the right now...because some day I'll miss it. Soak in the heat because it will soon be cold. Love the little ones because soon they'll grow old. Slow down and just BE Still!
What a great reminder...and just after I've been perusing my magazines for Christmas inspiration. :) I hope you're having a wonderful summer!