Tuesday, September 15, 2009

New Hobby!

I have a new hobby! I have been clenching my teeth all night every night for the last little while and my jaw is killing me!!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Oh no I had the same thing.... It got so bad I went to the emergency room b/c of the pain it caused.... They gave me a cat scan.... Oh honey it was stress. Get a massage, make something nice for your self... and get a glass of whatever soothes you.... then deal with (that) issue that is bugging you! ;)

    I pray you feel better!

  3. http://tomboyaroundtown.blogspot.com/2008/05/ever-had-tmj.html

  4. I was gonna say HUH? until I read the other comment. Stress that bad is terrible...get rid of it STAT!!! Pop over to Love2...I'm having a giveback for my "faithful followers"...see ya! *elaine*
