Wednesday, July 8, 2009

If I only had more room!!

I drooled over this baby at the thrift store yesterday. Only 20.00 bucks! Sigghhh....


  1. Oh my I would make room for that gorgeous piece. I could put so much in there!! I bet it killed you to walk out without it. :(

  2. ARRRgghhh!! I can't believe you left that behind...and only 20.00??? Couldn't you get rid of something else to make I don't know...the refrigerator...or how about the couch? How many times do people need to sit, anyway??!!! LOL *elaine*

  3. I know it would have fit perfectly in my stand up shower stall but alas honestly "No more room in the inn!!" Someone else got a fab deal and a darling peice of Junk!!!

  4. I can totally sympathise, I am forever having to walk away from fab pieces due to lack of space :-(
